3 simple steps to consistent mental and physical well-being.
There are so many voices and opinions when it comes to the best advice on mental and physical well-being. The following are three things that will serve you well as I have personally learned in my own life experience.
These three things are Journaling, Exercise, and Eating well.
Let’s start with journaling. Journaling is a form of meditation for the mind and body. It also provides long-term mental health benefits because it allows you to track your thought patterns, emotional responses, and how they concretely change over time. As a form of self-therapy, it allows you to be present and focused for some time. It also forces metacognition (thinking about your own thoughts), which can help to regulate emotions and feelings. Intentionally writing your thoughts brings clarity to life decisions and fosters healthy growth. Writing down daily what your goals are, what you are thankful for, and what you are feeling and thinking on a particular subject can be life-altering in many positive ways.
Exercise is the second part of the ‘trifecta’. It is no secret that exercise releases endorphins into the brain, which can help you stay focused and on task. The Journal of Endocrinology & Metabolism found that just 20 minutes of cardiovascular or resistance exercise for three days in a row prompted participants to rate their mood as more cheerful than before the exercise. However, exercise is not just about making you feel better, it is also about making you healthier. Physical activity has been shown to benefit just about every system in the body, from the bones and muscles to the heart and brain. In addition, exercise helps with sleep habits, which makes it an effective tool for managing stress. As the old saying goes, “Movement is medicine.”
Lastly, the third piece of this wellness puzzle is eating well and nourishing your body daily with the right food. It is important to note that everyone’s dietary needs are different. If you have heart disease, diabetes, obesity, or another ailment you must maintain a healthy diet. Please consult with your doctor before making any major changes to your eating habits or exercise routine. However if you do not have a serious medical condition, here are some tips on ways to make your diet more nutritious.
- Try to eat a balanced diet. A multi-vitamin can help if you are not getting all of the nutrients that your body needs from food alone.
- Fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetables for every meal.
- Try to eat ‘clean’ by avoiding processed foods, and cut back on sugar and carbohydrates.
- Try to eat at least one salad per day with your meals. Salads are full of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that will make you feel better overall.
-Drink lots of pure water. Everyone is different, but most people need around half of their body weight in ounces daily. For example if you weigh 150 pounds, try to drink about 75 ounces of water every day.
I hope these recommendations help you get started on the path to achieving mental and physical wellness! Journaling daily, exercising regularly, and eating well are three easily accessible ways to develop lifestyle habits that can change the trajectory of your life.
So what are you waiting for? Get out there, Journal, Exercise, and Eat well!