What is Cyberpsychology?
Cyberpsychology is the study of the interaction between humans and computer technology and how it affects us for better or for worse. In other words, it is the study of how we interact with each other in a virtual environment. It is a broad field that includes many different disciplines such as computer science, psychology, sociology, forensics, and philosophy.
Cyberpsychology studies what happens to people when they use computers or any other types of electronic communication devices such as mobile phones. It has been greatly influenced by cybernetics which was a discipline developed by Norbert Wiener in 1948. Cybernetics is the transmission and control of information through communication channels like human nervous systems and computer networks among others things.
A pioneer in the field that is often referred to is Marshall McCluhan, who coined the phrase, ‘the medium IS the message’. He proposed that the medium itself should be studied just as much as the message because the medium itself can impact and dictate how the message may be shared and how it is received. For instance, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram all have different and unique parameters around how and what can and IS shared.
Cyberpsychologists can also be called upon to examine how technology affects our health and mental state as well as our society. Cyberpsychology looks at things like Internet addiction, computer game addiction, computer anxiety, personality disorders associated with social media usage among others.
Cyberpsychologists may also be asked to examine how the internet can be used in forensic applications.
Case Examples: Cyberstalking -Cyberstalking is a form of stalking that involves using the Internet in an attempt to harass another person. Cyberstalking can take many forms, including the use of e-mail, instant messaging, forums, blogs, social networking sites, and text messages to make threats or repeated annoying contact with others. As a majority of the world is now online, understanding behavior and motivations are essential. It is a growing concern for governments and law enforcement agencies and an increasing number of cyberstalking victims are seeking help.
Cyberbullying — Cyberbullying is abusive behavior among school children and even adults using electronically based means to harass peers. Bullied people often feel helpless and cyberbullying can affect their self-esteem.
Cyberterrorism- Cyberterrorism is an activity that is designed to promote political change through coercion or intimidation by targeting public and private computer networks.
Another field that Cyberpsychologists are studying is virtual reality and its positive effects on therapy. Virtual Reality (VR) is an artificial environment with which you can interact in order to experience and perhaps change your understanding of how you or other people think, feel, believe, or behave. VR is being used to treat patients suffering from phobias, addictions, trauma, and other disorders. Being able to created and integrate an alternative reality with virtual reality has proved a viable part of treatment for patients suffering from various things.
Additionally, Cyberpsychological studies are being conducted into such diverse fields as “online dating”, “internet banking”, “social networking” and modern-day communication methods and devices such as cell phones, computers, and tablets.
Cyberpsychology is an emerging field, with its own set of theories and principles that are rapidly changing in response to advances in technology. Cyberpsychology as a branch of psychology is being accepted by professionals within the main areas of psychology and several universities now have masters and even PhD programs in Cyberpsychology.