When Intellect catches up with Intuition.
I believe that creativity is the highest form of intelligence. Some may disagree, but there have been others who have alluded to this.
Albert Einstein said, “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” He also said, “ The only valuable thing is intuition.”
The problem that humans run into though is that our intellect seems to be at odds with our intuition. Intuition is that quiet voice inside of us that knows things that we don’t consciously know. It’s hard to explain, but we’ve all experienced it.
Our intellect on the other hand is that noisy voice in our head that is constantly questioning and doubting everything. It’s what tells us that we can’t do something because we’re not good enough or we don’t have the experience. Intellect is structured, proven, and “correct”.
But most of us have also experienced those sometimes rare moments when intellect catches up to intuition and they meet. In those moments, we feel a sense of flow, ease, and certainty. We know what to do and we just do it.
It’s in those moments when we’re operating at our highest level of intelligence. And it’s also in those moments when we’re the most creative.
The key is to learn to listen to our intuition and trust it. Once we do that, amazing things can happen. We can achieve things that we never thought possible. Creativity becomes second nature and life becomes a lot more fun.
Yes, it’s scary to trust your intuition sometimes. But it is also the only way to truly reach your full potential. It’s where the best ideas and work come from!
In the marketing and communication space being able to engage someone’s intellect in a creative way is how you cut through the noise and create something memorable. If you can take someone on a journey of discovery, then you’re doing your job well. In other words, create spaces where intellect and intuition can catch up to each other and form a creative event or discovery.
Here are 3 ways that I have learned to listen to my intuition while not turning off my brain. 😀
1) Get clear on what you want
The first step is to get really clear on what you want. What is your goal? What are you trying to achieve or communicate? Break it down into one simple sentence. Once you have that clarity, it becomes much easier to listen to your intuition and trust it.
2) Take time for yourself
Make sure to carve out time for yourself every day to just relax and be in the moment. This can be hard to do if you’re constantly on the go, but it’s important to create that space. Turn off your phone, close your laptop, and just be. Breathe. Let your mind wander. This is when intuition likes to speak up!
3) Trust your gut
This one can be tough, but it’s so important. Whenever you’re faced with a decision, big or small, listen to your gut. What is it telling you? Go with your first instinct and see where it takes you. You might be surprised at what you’re capable of.
When we listen to our intuition and trust it, we open up a whole world of possibilities. Intellect and intuition are waiting for you. They can co-exist very well together! And almost as good as that… you can now share your new creation to the world.
I would love to hear you apply these principles and/or thoughts on intuition and creativity.